March 08, 2015

Is this TV station another arm of govt?

SIR: I have followed AIT over the years from its unsettled days in the mid-1990s up and until this moment. How can I forget Jika Attoh’s Kakaaki back then? The packages those
9 years ago

Aragbada: Buhari, warlord in bare-hand combat 

POLITICS, like the gladiatorial pistolling of enemies by the military, without pretence, is war. Unlike the conventional warfare, however, where disloyalty and disobedience are synonymous with self-immolation, politics could in real terms
9 years ago

Obi: Good night, Okeazu Awka

IT takes great courage to attempt a brief reflections on the life and times of this legend of our time, Chief Chukwuma Anueyiagu whose ten (10) decades on earth is nothing but
9 years ago

Badmus: Fear and loathing at lent 

THE philosophy of many of our politicians at this election period is rather straightforward : repeat the ‘big lie’ sufficiently often until it assumes the posture of ‘truth’ and it sticks. The
9 years ago
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